Artist Portfolio Land’s End-Guincho Beach Cascais Portugal_Oil Painting Ross Garden_Oil Painting Golden Sunset_Oil Painting Peace on earth_ Acrylic Painting on Rice Paper Cage of Light_ Air Dry Clay, Gemstone, abalone shell Italy Stresa Moment_Black Ink Wood carving spoon design Wood carving spoon design Rio Iguazu Falls_ Oil Painting Chinese Free hand painting Purple Iris_Colored Pencil In My Dream_ Acrylic Painting Ceramic Bowl _ Underglaze painting Spring_Chinese Free hand painting Ceramic Bowl_ Underglaze drawing DANCIN’ IN THE MOONLIGHT_ Acrylic on Rice Paper Wood carving spoon design Ceramic Plate _Underglaze painting Mother Earth Pot_Ceramic Sculpture Chinese free hand painting Oak wood carving spoon design Ceramic Raku vase Movement_ Acrylic Wax Batik Sculpture_Ceramic Fruits _ Underglaze Chinese painting Water Village- Black Ink Guanyin lotus hand- Sculpture Raku fired Ceramic Plate_Underglaze Chinese free hand painting Ceramic Plate _ Underglaze painting Ceramic Raku Bowl Ceramice Jar with lid Raku Vase Ceramic Vase Chinese Painting on Fan Raku Ceramic Ceramic Raku Vase Raku Vase Cymbidium- Chinese Calligraphy Ceramic Vase